Catholic church concerned in NAF Celebrating 53 years anniversary being on Easter Sunday NAF officers marching in whilst ministers usher...
NAF officers marching in whilst ministers ushered them a comfortable seat.
Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar were solemnly praised for his focus on religious affairs in the NAF. Privileging successful conduct of membership to star obviously at regular attendance for the meantime attempting of serving Nigeria a betterment even years ago in spite the 53 years anniversary celebration.
Group Captain Kwaso said: ‘’The fact that the celebration of the 53 years of the Air Force coincided with the Easter celebration shows that the Nigerian Air Force has experienced a resurrection,’’.
‘’Where we were yesterday, we would never be today and forever more,’’ he added.
After the ceremonial service ended, "Air Marshal Abubakar" who was sent by Chief In Administration to represent on behalf of the NAF headquarters recruit a troop of journalist to acclaimed that a lot of improvements as taken place more likely of reliable infrastructures, and developed man power as well.
In his Appreciative words ‘’Let us look back and thank God for his many blessings and reflect on our lives in NAF especially as we face security challenges, so that we can have the strength to implement and uphold the Nigerian Air Force.’’
"God should bless the NAF officials and other coming to convene with us from various district worldwide". he prayed
An alter call set for NAF officers for double blessings.